Monday, October 26, 2009

Training Dates

This is an insert from John Robinson's email;

I was unable to schedule something this fall but UMMC is scheduling a major exercise with the MS Air Guard the last week of February and has invited us to participate. It isn’t finalized yet but let me know if you would like to attend.
I am planning on us have a 3 day exercise in April. The plan is to have one day of training in Oxford and then move somewhere, setup and receive, treat, and discharge patients. Stay overnight and pack up the following day. The objective being to work out our patient handling procedures from admissions to discharge. Hopefully we can gain some insight observing UMMC’s exercise.
An email from John R . has been posted about training dates

Thursday, October 22, 2009

It took a while but we are up & running now, welcome to the SMATII blog.